I know I said that most of my blogs woud be just drawings and what-not, but I just read a Digg article that has kind of gotten me a bit fired up. I am curious as to why women are threatened when they blog. I read this article on Digg but it came from the washingpost.com; it was about how female bloggers recieve anonymous threats on their pages just because they are speaking their minds or discussing things they either know about or things that are sometimes concidered male dominated fields. As a female and as a n00b to blogging, this article really alarmed me.
I understand that society sets these norms, like women are not suppose to be good at math and they are not suppose to be good with computers, much less know about software or know how to build a computer, but why are these norms in place? This is the 21st century, in order to make it in society women have to break down these barriers and prove themselves capable, even in the field of technology.
I am only in college, so I have not really experienced these biases, especially in the technology world. However, I do date a computer geek and through him, I have become knowledgable, probably more knowledgable than most. I mean, we built an arcade system together, I have moded my computer, and I can read two or three programming languages. And I know I am not the only one, many of my female friends are rather tech savy themselves.
I applaud women that go against the norm. I know there are still gender roles, and stereotypes we are expected to fit, but if that is not who you are, don't feel obligated to change yourself to fit an image. If you like to build computers, do it; if you like science, do it; don't be afraid to speak your mind and be yourself. Persue your interests. Over the years, women have made great strides despite threats, why stop now?
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
New Profile Pic
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The Beginning

This is my first blog...well, kinda. It's the first one I am doing that I don't get graded on. Most of my posts are going to be of sketches I do on my tablet in my free time. I probably won't be able to actually get around to seriously posting things until I get done with this semester, which will be in about a week. Any one that happens to come across this should keep their eye out for my drawings and tell me what you think. I could even take request on what to draw next I guess. Just leave a comment.
I am partially doing this because my boyfriend recently got into blogging. He is a tech geek, so he thinks its pretty awesome. If you are into stuff like software and the coolest new gadgets or whatever, you should check out his blog at jjhat.blogspot.com. Well, anyway, he really likes the doodling I do when I play around with the tablet, so he encouraged me to do this. If you look at his blog, I drew that picture of him in his profile and that picture of me that he blogged about
(which is also the one you can see in the upper left hand corner).
Well, I am sure I will get around to posting something worth while in the next couples weeks. But before that, just a little about me: I am a college student that tends to get in over her head with work, school, and helping other people. When I do get the time to relax I enjoy hanging out with the friends and listening to music. The doodling thing is just a way for me to occupy myself, I am not sure if I really like art, but according to several people I am pretty good at it. In fact, many people assume I am an art major when they look at my drawings in my dorm room. The fact is that I am more passionate about math and science than I am about art (hince the fact I date a computer geek).
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